Do Impacted Teeth Need Correction?
Posted on 2/20/2023 by Office - Boone DMD |
If you have impacted wisdom teeth, they should be removed, as they can cause a host of future dental complaints, including crowding, decay, and infections of the gum and teeth.
What Are Impacted Teeth?
Normally, the third molars become impacted, or cannot emerge, during development. While other teeth may become impacted sometimes, such as the maxillary incisors, wisdom teeth are usually what we think of when we talk about impacted teeth. Impaction of the canine incisor is rare, and a surgical correction, in this case, will expose the tooth, so it can emerge and move in line with the other teeth. Typically, orthodontics will be applied to improve the dentition.
How Impacted Wisdom Teeth Are Corrected
Impacted wisdom teeth normally are considered ancillary teeth and therefore must be removed, That is because the third molars, or very back teeth, simply do not have enough room to come through. In some cases, an impacted molar may affect the health of the tooth in front of it, which can lead to swelling and soreness. If the very back teeth are not extracted, the patient may have to undergo orthodontic treatment to correct the resulting crowding, or may have to address related problems related to gum bleeding and swelling.
When Should the Wisdom Teeth Be Removed
Normally, wisdom teeth are extracted when a person is about 18 to 21 years old. These are the last teeth to develop in the dentition of an adult. The sooner you have the surgery scheduled, the better, as any delay, as noted, could lead to unwanted oral dental difficulties. Whether impaction involves a canine incisor or a wisdom tooth, some type of professional intervention needs to occur.
Do you have impacted wisdom teeth? If so, we can help correct the situation. We will take x-rays to see how the teeth are positioned first before we recommend removal and how we will proceed with treatment. Have the teeth checked and removed as soon as possible to ensure the future health of your gums and teeth. Call us today to arrange an appointment for a consultation.